Piret Kaarlõp

Piret Kaarlõp

Group Leader

Why am I in DuoLife ?

  • It brings stability to 3 most important areas of my life, such as: HEALTH, DEVELOPMENT and FINANCE.

My personal message

We are committed to promoting a healthy lifestyle through our natural dietary supplements, cosmetics and functional foods. Join our community!

 Mis on Duolife?
DuoLife on looduslike tervisetoodete ja kosmeetika bränd, mis keskendub heaolu ja tervise toetamisele. Nende innovaatilised ja kvaliteetsed tooted, nagu DuoLife Day ja Night, on loodud tasakaalu ja energia hoidmiseks igapäevaelus.  Lisaks pakub DuoLife äri- ja arenguvõimalusi neile, kes soovivad muuta oma kirge tervislike eluviiside vastu uueks teekonnaks.

Miks ma valisin DuoLife'i?
Kvaliteet ja looduslikkus: Tooted on välja töötatud koostöös ekspertidega, kasutades ainult puhtaid ja looduslikke koostisosi.
Kogukonna toetamine: Mul on võimalus jagada midagi tõeliselt väärtuslikku ning samal ajal jätkata oma tööd imelise kogukonnaga.
 Paindlikkus ja kasvuvõimalused: DuoLife'i ärimudel võimaldab mul jagada tooteid ja kogemusi, luues samal ajal lisasissetulekut.

 Esimene võimalus teha tutvust selle ägeda brändiga, mille kogukonda Skandinaavias ja Baltikumis oleme just loomas
Kui oled huvitatud tervislikust elustiilist või tahad lihtsalt rohkem infot, siis võta minuga ühendust!

What is Duolife?
DuoLife is a natural health and beauty brand focused on supporting
well-being and health. Their innovative and high-quality products, such
as DuoLife Day and Night, are designed to help you maintain balance and
energy in your daily life. In addition, DuoLife offers business and development opportunities for
those who want to turn their passion for healthy living into a new
Why did I choose DuoLife?
Quality and naturalness: The products are developed in collaboration with experts, using only pure and natural ingredients.
Supporting the community: I have the opportunity to share something
truly valuable while continuing my work with a wonderful community.
 Flexibility and growth opportunities: DuoLife's business model allows me to share
products and experiences while generating additional income.

 The first opportunity to get to know this cool brand, whose community we are currently creating in Scandinavia and the Baltics 
If you are interested in a healthy lifestyle or just want more information, contact me!

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My favorite products

DUOLIFE Collagen is a unique, comprehensive food supplement in liquid form, with various active ingredients that, among other things, support the proper production of collagen to ensure the correct functioning of bones, cartilage, gums, teeth, skin and blood vessels a and keep hair, nails and skin in optimal condition b.

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Date of minimum durability: 19.06.2025.

DUOLIFE Keratin Hair Complexis a food supplement in liquid form, with active ingredients that, among other things, help maintain hair, nails and skin in optimal conditiona, support skin cleansingb, and help protect cells from oxidative stressc.

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Vita C Body Scrub sugar scrub with cranberry particles provides cleansing and gentle exfoliation of dead skin. The peeling revitalizes and smoothes the skin, leaving it silky soft and supple. Thanks to the emollients present in the formula and the ECF Pro Nutri-FormTM formula with vitamin E, C and F complex, the cosmetic moisturizes, nourishes and improves the elasticity of the skin.

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with extraordinary effectiveness.

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